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Friday, December 25, 2009

Are you fighting Obesity?

Every one of us has heard about obesity and each one keeps a different opinion about it. Much have been written on it not just in medical books but also in news papers, fashion magazines etc. The volume of literature being devoted on it, itself explains its importance. The increasing discussions about obesity is because of the rising percentage of people falling under the category of obese which is certainly not good for individual, family and the country as well. Enormous funds have been diverted towards the aim of preventing and treating this slow but definitely dangerous disease. Here I am discussing some of the facts about obesity which people ask every now and then.

1) What is obesity?

Every one of you keeps a different view about, who should be called an obese? The medical science describes obesity as,” a rise in body weight out of physical and skeletal standards because of excess deposition of fat in the body.” A fact that must also be knows is that if the weight exceeds twice the ideal weight, then this is considered MORBID.

2) How to find that you are obese?

This is a very frequently asked question. Body mass index is a very useful indicator which helps to find the status of your body. WHO has given the data which helps us know if we are obese? A BMI above 25-29.9 is worth paying an attention.

3) Why do people become obese?

There are many reasons which contribute towards producing obesity. Most of the time there are many reasons which add on and produce rise in weight. The most common reasons are-

* High calorie intake.
* Leading a sedentary life.
* Inadequate sleep.
* Some hormonal problems.
* Certain drugs.
* Certain mental disorders.
* Alcohol.

4) Why to worry?

Many people says that why to worry so much about this. They take it as a natural phenomenon and do not really know the hazards. But you should seriously note that the obesity can be potentially fatal because it slowly weakens your body by predisposing it to several other fatal diseases like Diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, atherosclerosis, stroke, depression and many others.

5) When to go for a medical checkup?

The answer is as soon as you realize that you are gaining excessive weight you must seek a medical check up as it is always said that prevention is better than cure.

6) What are the various treatment modalities?

The best answer I would personally suggest is consulting your physician as the cause of obesity may vary from person to person and so the treatment that would be found productive will vary. Besides here I am suggesting some ways to help you out, you can use them as it suits you.

* Diet management- This is a very important point. By management I mean that you must not start starving but should opt for a healthy balanced diet.
* Exercise should be added in the routine schedule. A 30 min exercise 3 times a weak is the minimum one should do.
* Medicines- This should never be taken over the counter. Never take any medicine without consulting your doctor because it may create several problems rather than giving you any amount of benefit.

Surgery- Nowadays a trend for going for surgery is increasing. Consult your doctor if the surgery should be done or not. I will suggest that if in any case the necessity of surgery is not there, then you must try avoiding it. However the modern surgeries will never really disappoint you. The 2 most popular surgeries are-Gastric bypass and laparoscopic gastric binding.

7) Is there any Ayurvedic treatment?

Yes of course, there are some tips given below.

* Drink warm water.
* Avoid curd and prefer buttermilk.
* Take Triphla with Honey. Should be preferably taken before going to bed.
* Do Yoga exercises under guidance.

I wish all of you a healthy life!!

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